TMEA Regions
TMEA is divided into 33 Regions to carry out TMEA objectives at the local level, to guarantee representation on the State Board of Directors, and to provide opportunity for individual participation in TMEA activities. Regions hold meetings in the fall, during the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention, and in the spring. Attend your Region meetings to stay informed about TMEA business and to help shape your Region’s policies and procedures.
2024–2026 Region-Area alignment is now available.
Region Calendar
Events at the state level and selected Region are listed in the calendar below. To view events from a different Region, select it from the drop down list. Note: Some events, such as Region workshops, are listed on the statewide calendar and will show up for all Regions.
For Region meeting dates and times click here.
Region Websites
Below is a list of the websites for the TMEA Regions.
Region 1
- Band: https://region1.tmea.org
- ATSSB: https://www.atssb.org/region-1/
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
- https://region5.tmea.org
- Vocal: https://region5vocal.edublogs.org/
- Vocal SSC: https://5ssc.org
- ATSSB: https://www.atssb.org/region-5/
Region 6
Region 7
Region 8
Region 9
Region 10
Region 11
Region 12
Region 13
Region 14
Region 15
- https://region15.tmea.org
- Band: http://www.region15band.com/
- Orchestra: http://www.region15orchestra.org/
- Mariachi: https://www.regionmariachi15.com/
- Vocal: http://www.region15choir.com/
- ATSSB: https://www.atssb.org/region-15/
Region 16
Region 17
Region 18
Region 19
Region 20
Region 21
Region 22
Region 23
Region 24
Region 25
Region 26
Region 27
Region 28
Region 29
Region 30
- https://region30.tmea.org
- Vocal SSC: https://5ssc.org
- ATSSB: https://www.atssb.org/region-5/
Region 31
- http://www.uilmusic31.org/
- Vocal SSC: https://5ssc.org
- ATSSB: https://www.atssb.org/region-2/